The second batch is ready! Fortunately, this time I got right the consistency of the glaze, the pieces are shiny and glossy!
But another problem showed its hairy face and said hi.
There are some pieces where the glaze is flaking. I started asking and reading about it and it can happen for a number of reasons. In this case, it may be because the underglaze I used clogged the clay’s pores and the glaze didn’t adhere. This can be solved for future batches by underglazing the pieces while they’re still greenware, and I’ll change the glaze for the one that was out of stock, just in case.
Plump Dog the Vase: A very proud Underdog.
The flaking of these pieces can be stopped by applying acrylic varnish. This means they can be used only for decoration (not washable and definitely not food safe), and have a different finish. They are as resistant and nice as the normal glazed pieces, they’re just not purebred and can’t be used for their original intention, but are good at other things.
So, with this in mind, I’ll open the shop on September 19th. Some the items will be “Underdogs,” pieces with decorative problems but with good structure: no cracks, no crap. They’ll be sold at really low prices, these mutts want love!
Stay put for shop faqs and details on issue 04!
Take care :)